‘I don’t want two wishy-washy godmothers,’ Jeannie had said that afternoon in the country hospital when Eliza was only a day old. ‘No dolls. No pink dresses. Just lots of adventures. Lots of spoiling. The pair of you like two mighty warriors protecting her at every step.’ Eliza Miller grew up in Australia as the

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 “The Lives We Fear” by Dan Otsuki is an engaging collection of horror short stories that will leave you wanting even more. Each story could easily be adapted into a script for episodic television. The dialog-rich tales lend themselves to other media for sure. Each story explores a particular fear, both real and imagined. Whether it

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Interview with Sheena BinkleyWhat career did you plan during your education days? When I was in high school and college, my dream was to be a reporter. I wanted to either do newspaper or television. I even majored in Broadcast Journalism in college, but I realized that’s not want I wanted to do, so I switched

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Book ReviewTired of American politics? Author Eslynn Smith has a remedy in the character of Sharmin Smith, the former first female President of the United States in the book Taming the Tida. The story launches with the strange disappearance of Smith, now in her elder years, when a lightning flash signals the tragic event at

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Book ReviewMitch Wilde was a smart-ass and a jokester, but he knew his eyes weren’t deceiving him when he saw some strange things in Outlaw River, Oregon. And for a while he kept them to himself. The Outlaw River Wilde by Mike Walters is a suspenseful excursion through an X-files and Ancient Aliens genre with a

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Book ReviewWhat more could an Australian girl want than to be with the love of her life without any interference? This is the world of 16 year-old math whiz Grace Greenway who finds herself in an unexplained dream-like world with the handsome high school athlete, Vincente Marino. However, it is not entirely blissful. Cathy McGough’s A

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